Parent Trainings
Engaging and informative training topics can be customized to you or your group's needs. These include. but are not limited to:
Nature and Needs of Gifted
Twice Exceptional Learner
Social Emotional Aspects of Gifted Children
Parenting the Gifted Child
Is My Child Gifted, High Achieving or Creative?
Developing Creative Thinkers

Resource Guidance
Parents can receive references to guide their child as well as expand their own knowledge. These resources can include:
Literature/Novel recommendations
Websites/Organizations for parent education of the gifted
Websites for academic development

Educational Guidance
Parents can receive answers to questions about educational options for their gifted child regarding:
Grade placements/ acceleration
Curriculum differentiation
Gifted program placements

Student Sessions
Students can work individually or in small groups on engaging learning projects tailored to their needs and interests. These can be based upon:
Passion topics
Areas of strength
Areas of relative weakness or dual exceptionality