A Great Summer Read with a Teaching Moment for Our Youngest Readers
This New Release Offers a Chance for a Great Family Discussion on Bullying
The title gets you from the start-what young reader isn't enamoured by the prospect of meeting a Bigfoot? Hearing Little Bigfoot, the main character, is at camp will make even the most reluctant of readers settle in to give the book a read. And now that you've got the young ones interested, they are in for more than just a great story, but also a life lesson.

An Engaging Read
The author, Liz Wells, a teacher of over 30 years, knows how to tell a story to keep young readers engaged. Mysterious characters will draw them in, but the descriptive writing will make them feel like they are hanging out with Little Bigfoot all along. Ms. Wells includes plenty of advanced vocabulary to add just enough challenge to keep the interest up throughout the story.
Great for a Read-Along
As mentioned previously, the fiction work contains some advanced vocabulary as well as sophisticated sentences, which makes this the perfect book to read along with your child. Summertime is a great time to spend relaxing moments with your young one, and guiding your child through the book together will ensure the child gets more out of the story with each read. Asking your young bibliophile to predict what will happen next or to infer the meaning of a word from context work are valuable skills that will be used as your child progresses along his/her reading journey.
A Plotline that's a Teachable Moment
The icing on the cake is the plotline of the story. Little Bigfoot is bullied at camp, and there are ample places to stop and discuss the topic and how the reader would react if this had been them. My daughter had been bullied at school, and I wish I had this story to use as a nonthreatening way to discuss the situation and how to properly solve it.
Little Bigfoot's Triumph Is One Shared By All
This is a great book for young readers.Getting to read it with their mom, dad or other grownup makes it all the more special. And getting to share the great takeaway that even Bigfoots get bullied but it's how you react that makes the difference, is a life lesson for all.
To learn more about Little Bigfoot Goes to Camp or to purchase it, click here.