The Truth of the Matter
The “X Files” premiered on television in the early 1990s and found FBI agent Fox Mulder searching for the truth behind the many...

A Great Summer Read with a Teaching Moment for Our Youngest Readers
This New Release Offers a Chance for a Great Family Discussion on Bullying The title gets you from the start-what young reader isn't...

But What Is the Truth?
The falling of the leaves heralds in the election cycle and all of its verbosity that clamors for one’s vote. Each election cycle I am...

In the Beginning, Part 2
In the previous blogpost, you were introduced to our little puppy, Murphy, as well as to the chaos caused by this new addition! I also...

In the Beginning, Part I
Summer is a time for relaxing and resetting your energy meter so you are ready for the next school year to begin. Last May, we brought...

Feeding a Young Reader’s Hunger for Challenge
Got a very young reader who has already cut their proverbial reading teeth on Harry Potter novels or the like? So, what can teachers and...

Getting Your Mind in Shape Through Hexagonal Thinking
Being able to think for oneself is one of the highest of goals for education, not only to allow individuals to grow to their best, but to...

The Environment, Problem-Based Learning, and Youth
Do you know a child who has a deep interest in problem-solving, can apply critical thinking skills, holds an advanced sense of idealism...

You've Got a Friend- How Books Can Help with Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted Learner
What do you get when you mix a book that has social and emotional plot lines with a gifted reader- a new friend! Advanced readers choose...

But How Do I Know It’s Good?
The dog days of summer are upon us. Traditionally, this is the time of year when a good read beckons our avid young bibliophiles to...